Selected Museums


The National Museum of Ethiopia which is located in Arada Kifle Ketema, adjacent to the Faculty of Technology of the Addis Ababa University and St. Mary’s church. It was established in April (Miazzia) 1936 (Eth Cal) ‘ upon the idea of preserving the nation’s movable heritage, conduct research and education and assist to pass such heritage to future generations’.Read More...

The Ethnological Museum of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies (IES) is located within the main Sidist Kilo campus of the Addis Ababa University (AAU) , and is one of the well organised museums in the country. It was established in 1955 (Eth Cal) ‘ upon the idea of preserving the nation’s heritage, conduct research and education as well as assist the teaching-learning process at the AAU’.Read More...

Addis Alem Debre Tsion St. Mary Museum is located in the town of Addis Alem, Western Shoa . The museum is not purpose- built but used to be the palace of Emperor Menelik II and the idea to convert the palace to museum was initiated during the reign of Emperor Haile Selassie I around 1957 ( Eth Cal) (1963 G.C). The idea was 'to preserve and promote past historical relics both of religious and political leaders; inculcate the sense of patriotism in the younger generation and encourage government to support similar efforts'. Read More ...

The museum is located in Arat Kilo, Addis Ababa inside the Holy Trinity Cathedral and bordering the Houses of Parliament. It was established in 1998 (Eth Cal) (2006G.C) ' upon the idea of preserving and making available for visitors – domestic and foreign- religious and historical relics and promote the good image of the country'. Read More ...

This recently modernized museum was established in 1996 EC (2004G.C) ' to preserve and protect the heritage of past religious leaders and preserve religious icons and items'. The museum ( fully known as the Ethiopian Tewahdo Orthodox Church Patriarchate Museum & Library ) is located at the Patriarchate Office and close to the National Museum of Ethiopia. Read More ...

St George Church Museum is located in Arada Kifle Ketema, Addis Ababa ,inside St. George's Church's compound. It was established in 1982 Eth Cal(1990G.C) 'to preserve and promote Ethiopian Orthodox clergy /monarchs contribution towards the nation's history and pass them over to the next generation'. Read More ...


The Ethiopian National Postal Museum is located on the ground floor of the General Post Office building on Churchill Road, in Addis Ababa. Since its establishment the museum has acquired great collections of philatelic products and treasures. The collection comprises the nation’s postal history and gives enormous knowledge about the country’s past economic, political, social and cultural life.Read More...

The Zoological Natural History Museum is located within the Arat Kilo campus of the Addis Ababa University. It was established in 1955 (Ethiopian Calendar) (1963 G.C) to preserve and promote the wildlife heritage of Ethiopia and make it available for society and future generations as well as act as research and educational base. Read More ...

Regional (State run) Museums

  • Nekempt Museum and Aba Jifar Museum both located in Oromia Regional State.
  • Harar Museum, Abdela Sherif Private Museum and Arthur Rimbaud Museum located in Harar town of the Harari Regional State.
  • Yohannes IV Museum, ( Mekele town), Aksum Church Museum and Aksum Archaeological Museum ( both located in Aksum town) in the Tigrai Regional State.
  • Dessie Museum located in Dessie town of the Amhara Regional State.
  • Wolaita/Soddo Museum, South Omo Research Centre & Museum located in Jinka town of the Southern National, Nationalities and Peoples' Regional State.
  • Assosa Museum located in Assosa town of the Beni Shangul & Gumuz Regional State.
  • Lalibela Churches Museum located in Lalibela town of the Amhara Regional State.
  • Africa Art Museum/ located in Debre Zeit/Bishoftu town.

Church affiliated museums

  • Entoto Mariam Church Museum ( Entoto /Addis Ababa).
  • Bata Mariam Church Museum ( Addis Ababa inside Baata Church).
  • Gofa Gabriel Church Museum ( Addis Ababa).

Specialized museums (State & public run)

  • Geological Survey Museum ( inside M. of Mines ,Addis Ababa).
  • Addis Ababa Museum ( near Meskel Square).
  • Korea Veterans Association Memorial Museum (around Sidist Kilo area-Addis Ababa).
  • Ethio-Djibouti Railways Museum ( inside Railway station- A.Ababa)
  • Jan Meda Sports Museum (Jan Meda/Sidist Kilo , A. Ababa).
  • Gebre Kristos Modern Art Museum ( Sidist Kilo , AAU campus).
  • Berhan Ethiopia Cultural Centre & Museum ( A. Ababa).
  • Red Terror Martyr's Memorial Museum in Addis Ababa

Regional specialized museums

  • Coffee Museum in Southern Regional State
  • Nech Sar National Park Museum in Southern Regional State, ( wildlife park)
  • Melka Kunture Open Air Museum in Oromia Regional State
  • Waka Museum in Konso town of the Southern Regional State