The Ethiopian Museums Support Association (EMSA) is a non- governmental, independent organization established (in 2005) to assist Ethiopian museums and museum professionals. It was re-registered as an indigenous non-governmental body (Reg. no 1335) by the Charities and Societies Agency in 2010. It runs its work from its base in Addis Ababa.

EMSA's concept was born out of an awareness that despite the great diversity and richness of the cultural/heritage sector in Ethiopia, much remains to be done to develop and promote its usefulness both internally and externally. Museums play a significant role as depositories of this national asset and need to be supported by the Government, the public, individuals as well as non-governmental organizations. EMSA was established to assist and contribute its share to such national endeavor.


'EMSA works for the institutional and professional development of museums to enable them preserve and promote Ethiopia's cultural heritage and uplift its people both culturally and economically'.